Reading For Pleasure

Reading for pleasure is at the heart of our reading policy. Throughout the year, events are planned to promote reading for pleasure in the school community including book swaps, author events, activities linked to World Book Day (or week!) and our Drop Everything and Read (DEAR) sessions which take place on the last Friday of every month at 2pm.  During these sessions, we aim to create fun and excitement around reading for pleasure and send a message that reading for pleasure is important, and something everyone should make time for. For DEAR, the children are invited to bring in reading material of their choice from home – we value every choice from comics to joke books, magazines to atlases and novels to newspapers! This is our celebration of reading and reminds us to make reading a priority activity in our lives. DEAR sessions improve reading skills through engaging in regular, sustained silent reading; promote enjoyment in recreational reading; foster independent reading skills as well as concentration and increase wellbeing through links to mindfulness.

Teachers act as role models in their enthusiasm for reading by keeping up to date with current children’s literature. The English subject leaders will provide staff and parents with regular updates on recommended reads for children. We provide a recommended reading list for every year group to share our passion for reading with the children; our class libraries are regularly updated with the most engaging, quality texts. A link to the class reading lists can be found here – even reluctant readers are catered for.

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Reading Areas in the Classroom