At Foxmoor Primary School, we uphold the highest commitment to supporting, challenging and nurturing all of our children to enable them to achieve their full potential at school. This is done through high quality teaching in the classroom, by our teaching and support staff. In some cases, it may benefit our children to access further help and support in a specific way. If there is a need for a child to have access to specific styles of learning and support, in order to remove a barrier to learning, this will be done through a graduated approach. This will be initiated by the class teacher, and supported by the trained SENDCo. We will endeavour to work in close partnership with parents at every opportunity and strive towards achieving an excellent team around the child.
The school adopts the levels of intervention as described in the SEND Code of Practice. The Code of Practice advocates a graduated response to meeting pupils’ needs. Where it is determined that a pupil does have SEND, parents will be formally advised of this and the decision to add the pupil to the SEND Register is made. The aim of formally identifying a pupil with SEND is to help the school ensure that effective provision is put into place and so remove any barriers to learning.
The support provided consists of a four-part process:
• Assess
• Plan
• Do
• Review
This is an ongoing cycle to enable the provision to be refined and revised as the understanding of the needs of the pupil grows. This cycle enables identification of those interventions which are most effective in supporting the pupil to achieve good levels of progress.
The school SENDCo is Mrs Hawes-Nunn.
To speak to Mrs Hawes-Nunn please ring 01453 757251 or send an email to
Please click on the links below to find out more about our SEND local offer and other information.
Send Information Report and the school's local offer
SEND Policy
Accessability Plan