The pupil premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers. The amount received is dependent on the number of children who are eligible and have claimed for free school meals at any time in the last six years (this categorisation changed in 2012). All schools are required to report on the amount of funding and how this is being used.
We are committed to supporting improved outcomes for our disadvantaged pupils.
All children in reception, Year 1 and Year 2 at state schools in England automatically get Universal Free Cchool Meals. However, parents and guardians are encouraged to apply for free school meals when they enrol their child in school, as this can help their child’s school to attract additional ‘pupil premium‘ funding to support learning.
From Year 3 onwards, children whose parents are getting any of the following are entitled to free school meals:
Apply through the Gloucestershire Citizens Portal. This is the quickest and easiest way to apply and will result in you getting an instant decision.
You can view our Pupil Premium Strategy Statements below for the current and previous years.
Pupil Premium Strategy 2024-27